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  enough   moss, sawdust, glue, mdf board, petrichor smell  18 x 11 feet  2021  Statement about the work:   Here in the United States, we can draw a direct line from our current separation from nature back to the country's founding doctrine of  Manif


moss, sawdust, glue, mdf board, petrichor smell

18 x 11 feet


Statement about the work:

Here in the United States, we can draw a direct line from our current separation from nature back to the country's founding doctrine of Manifest Destiny (c. 1845). Those two words allowed European settlers to wrap themselves in a comfortable cloak of entitlement as they stole land from native people and treated the landscape as a resource rather than a complex web of life.

In less than two centuries, that initial doctrine of power has not only become the invisible minutia of the American muscle; it has also metastasized into a new geological age. As we arrive in the Anthropocene, the ideology of taking more than is needed has crippled the planet.

Enough is an aspirational, necessary, and yet seemingly impossible word. Enough is the opposite of more, of mine, and of greed. Enough is an exasperated declaration cried out by all who have suffered under the weight of unsatiated consumption.


Part of Chromatic Cogitations group exhibition curated by Rosey Gordon Wallace, 2021 at RedLine Contemporary Art Center. Photo credits: Wes Magyar.

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